We would be delighted to MARRY YOU!
We are now offering a remote processing of applications, by appointment only, via Zoom. Please note that we are only providing the marriage license application. We WILL NOT be marrying you during the session nor are we able to recommend an officiant to you.
If you choose to take advantage of this opportunity the session requires being able to connect to the Zoom Application or Website. Laptops or PCโs with Web Cameras are preferred, if you are logged in with a Chromebook or IPhone, we WILL NOT be able to issue the license. You will be required to show a state issued photo identification or passport during the session. You will need to know and provide your Social Security Number but you are not required to present the card. If you or your significant other have been divorced you will need to know the exact date of the dissolution. The payment method is credit card only.
The cost for the service is not changing during this time. If you have had premarital counseling and provide a certificate of completion from a provider who is registered with the Duval County Clerk of Courts, via email prior your scheduled appointment, the cost is $61.00. We cannot accept a picture of the certificate, it must be attached as a PDF. If counselling was not completed the standard cost is $86.00. There is a 2.75% transaction fee charge by the credit card acceptance company on all transactions. During the session you will be asked to utilize a payment website to pay for the costs of the application. (***Please do not make payments in advance***) Marriage Licenses are only valid for 60 days per Florida Statute and cannot be extended. We are unable to issue refunds. (Please keep this in mind if you have not found an officiant to marry you at this time.).
Prior to the session you will need to visit the Online Marriage Application, complete an application and email me the number that you are provided at the end, for your Zoom Session. (Skip the application if you have already completed this and it is less than 60 Days old.) As a requirement of the State of Florida, prior to the session you and your significant other will need to read the Marriage License Handbook. Reading it prior will greatly decrease the duration of the session.
Upon completion of the appointment your Marriage License will be emailed to you at the email address you provide. You will need to print it and be married by an officiant here in the state of Florida. Once your officiant has performed your ceremony, please mail or drop off the completed Marriage License to the address below. Once we receive it, we will record it and mail out two certified copies to the address that was provided when you applied for your Marriage License.
Appointments are scheduled in the morning as well as in the afternoon. The average appointment lasts about 30 minutes in duration. Please let me know if you prefer a morning or afternoon appointment and if there are specific days during the week that work best for scheduling and I will let you know the availability for our upcoming appointments as they are filling up quickly. I am available if you have any additional questions, with email being the best form of communication at this time.